On April 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania issued a Court Order temporarily waiving the six (6) hour limitation on distance learning credits for 2020 compliance deadlines. Attorneys in Pennsylvania may now complete all 12 hours of their 2020 CLE requirements through approved distance learning (online CLE) activities.
However, please note the following conditions of this one-time accommodation. Suspension of the distance learning cap will apply to 2020 CLE deadlines and the standard cap of six (6) hours earned through this delivery method will resume with 2021 annual PA CLE compliance deadlines.
In order to contribute toward the PA CLE requirement, distance learning credits must be earned through participation in approved programs offered by Accredited Providers of Distance Learning. TRTCLE is an approved Pennsylvania CLE Accredited provider.
Distance learning credits in excess of twelve (12) will not carry forward towards future annual compliance deadlines.
Up to six (6) excess distance learning credits earned in calendar year 2020, completed after the applicable 2020 compliance deadline, may be carried forward into calendar year 2021 for those lawyers in Compliance Group 1 and Compliance Group 2. Thus, lawyers in Compliance Group 1 may earn up to six (6) distance learning credits from May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 that will count towards their April 30, 2021 compliance requirements. Lawyers in Compliance Group 2 may earn up to six (6) distance learning credits from September 1, 2020through August 31, 2021 that will count towards their August 31, 2021compliance requirements. Those lawyers in Compliance Group 3 may not carry any excess distance learning credits earned in calendar year 2020 into calendar year 2021.
Finally, credits not classified as distance learning will carry forward if applicable, such as live CLE credits.
Still have a question? Please send us an email to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.